Psoriasis — what is, where is, the symptoms, treatment and diet

Psoriasis - what is, where is, the symptoms, treatment and diet for Psoriasis is considered the most common variation of the chronic dermatosis. Statistics show that this disease is sick of the order of 5 percent of the population of the planet. Of an article, you will learn what is psoriasis, where it is, what its symptoms are and how to treat it at home.

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Psoriasis is not infectious and not contagious chronic disease of the disease. At the same time, the disease is dangerous, and delivery to the holder of the discomfort, which can not affect the quality of life.

The first symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis is accompanied by the appearance of elevated on the dry skin the red spots. However, not all patients will manifest the signs that are visible and explicit the defeat of the epidermis. The spots are called plaques. They represent areas of chronic inflammation, characterized by the excess of neoplasia of the lymphocyte of the skin and macrophages.

The duration of the life cycle of skin cells in psoriasis no more than 5 days, after which they die. In the normal state of the cells have a month. According to doctors, the psoriasis has systemic character. Live this test act pathologies and disorders that appear in the sick.

In most cases, the plates appear on areas of the skin which are usually subjected to friction and pressure, the buttocks, the knees and elbows. It is not unlikely that the psoriasis affects the head, face, genitals, hand, and foot.

Psoriasis is an extremely dangerous disease with periodic pain, itching, and covered cracks that ooze, the skin mantle. This is just the tip of the iceberg, subsequently to serious complications. Patients may develop a specific form of arthritis, which is considered as the most dangerous manifestation of psoriasis. To confirm this diagnosis without a clinical evaluation impossible.

Where is psoriasis

where is psoriasis

None of the parts of the body of the person is safe from the appearance of psoriatic platelets. I propose to consider the places where psoriasis appears more often.

In the head

In the head of the psoriasis appears as a disease of the skin and manifests itself in the form of simple red, platelets covered with thick scales. Loose resemble the scales of dandruff, the patient is experiencing a strong itching, and the thickness of the bark may bleed. In some cases, this does not exclude a temporary local loss of hair.

In the body

Observe the red patches of psoriasis on the feet, the hands, the palms of the hands, including nail plates of the hands and feet. Because psoriasis is a chronic disease, with periods of improvement of the state, alternating with episodes of relapse. The size of the platelets is determined by the weight and the phase of the disease.


The involvement of the psoriasis and nail plate, exfoliate, and change color. It is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and pain syndromes. The pathology is chronic and flowing wave. Psoriasis of the nails gives the man physical and psychological. The treatment is long and only helps to eliminate dermatitis symptoms and return to normal life.

The stage of psoriasis

the stage of psoriasis

Modern physicians distinguish 3 stages of psoriasis. The symptoms of the disease and the treatment depend on the stage.

The main stages of psoriasis

The progressive.

In the body appear the maps of the elements that characterize peripheral affected by the growing. That fuse among themselves, in consequence, instead of small rashes appear large plates of different shapes and sizes. When progressive of psoriasis of the precipitation is sometimes manifested in the location of the lesions, scratches, cuts, bites, burns, or injections.


This stage begins after a few weeks after the onset of the disease. In this phase, the spots no longer appear. The old skin of the education are covered by a large number of scales of silver-white and color.


At this time of the platelet to solve and take on a pale color. Around expenses the epidermis to fade strong. The duration of the regressive phase is calculated several months. Under the influence of the treatment of the disease is going, leaving behind several units of the guard spots.

For unfortunate he is, but to cure the psoriasis can be is extremely rare. During the treatment of the disease enters into an intimate stage, which lasts months, years, and even decades. When moving to another relapse largely depends on the implementation of the patient of recommendations and assignments of the doctors.

Symptoms and causes of psoriasis

The results of the last poll surprised. Flake ringworm is observed in a large number of the world's population of all ages. When this peak is squeezed in a boy fifteen years of age.

The causes of the

The doctors have not been able to develop a list of the exact reasons for the occurrence of psoriasis. I propose to examine the causes depending on the nature.

  1. Viral. The viruses that have a negative impact on the functioning of the lymph nodes. It is extremely problematic to identify these microorganisms and determine their habitat. It is noteworthy, that the blood of a sick person after the transfusion healthy the patient is not infected. Therefore, the cause of the appearance of the psoriasis adopted to consider not tested.
  2. Immune. Recognized the cause. Boot mechanism is considered to be genes, a process that breaks down the immune link. Infectious disease, angina or sinusitis, can lead to the appearance of the psoriasis.
  3. Infectious. Initially, the scientists expressed the opinion that the fault of the spirochetes, streptococci, and even epidermofitona. The results of the studies have not confirmed this theory. New hypotheses suggest that the development of the psoriasis-causing infectious diseases, including sore throat and the flu.
  4. Genetics. It is about the transmission by inheritance of the predisposition to the disease. The clinical practice shows that the manifestations of flakes depriving face to many, however, the follow-up communication with a hereditary predisposition is not always possible.

The symptoms of the

  • In the initial phase of the disease in the skin rash appears. In the list of the typical places: the head, the sacrum, the elbows and the knees.
  • The epidermis is covered by nodules of red color with white scales. Initially the skin of education, no more pin head, however, with time, increase.
  • Later the spots grow and merge, forming plaques. The appearance of rash is accompanied with fever, itching, burning, increased lymph nodes.
  • When the disease passes to the second stage, the appearance of new blemishes stops. The old education start strong take-off, the itching and cause unpleasant feeling.
  • Sometimes psoriasis affects the joints. When they swell and lose their original mobility. The lack of treatment can lead to disability.

To cure psoriasis at home

The technique of treatment of psoriasis is updated regularly. Every year there are new medications and techniques. However, there is a method of treatment of atopic dermatitis, which provides a one hundred percent the result. In the TWENTY-first century the medicine is powerless before the psoriasis.

Home remedies

home remedies for the treatment of psoriasis

In the times of the inquisition of the psoriasis was considered a disease of the wretched of the people. For this reason, to cure the disease, only the conspirators, and healers, working in conditions of strict secrecy. Today everything is different, in the pharmacy selling specialty drugs, but the media still have relevance.

In the treatment of psoriasis at home help decoctions and infusions. They clean the blood, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and the digestive system, improve immunity. This will create the conditions in which the psoriasis may not develop normally.

  1. Infusion of burdock. Recipe: steamed tablespoon of burdock cup of boiling water and insist within an hour under the lid. Strain the mixture, take out and add the boiled water to fill the glass. To use the tool I advise 4 times a day before meals. This will allow you to get rid of psoriasis and normalize the functioning of the stomach.
  2. The root of the infusion. A teaspoon of dandelion root mix with the same amount of burdock root, pour a small cup of boiling water and cook to a minimum the fire exactly 10 minutes. Strain the infusion and eat hot 100 milliliters of before eating.
  3. The decoction of barley. Two tablespoons of flour of the barley malt sleeping thermos, add a litre of boiling water and stand for 4 hours. After casting, the tool is ready for consumption. The addition of honey or sugar, the flavor of medications more enjoyable. Consume barley cooking, it is recommended 6 times a day for half of the glass.
  4. The cooking of laurel. 20 grams of bay leaves, half of the break and steam two cups of boiling water. Potion boil for 10 minutes, strain, cool and eat three times a day of 0.5 cup. The duration of treatment is 7 days.
  5. The infusion of celandine. A teaspoon of the herb celandine pour a glass of hot water and leave out at least half an hour. Cooking it is recommended to drink 30 minutes before eating. The greater celandine poisonous, therefore, the dose of not change.

Natural medicine offers and oriented towards the exterior for the treatment of the funds of the psoriasis - lotions, lotion and ointments. These home remedies to resolve the redness, reduce the discomfort and swelling.

  • The ointment of the fat. 0,5 glass of fresh melted mix the fat with the same amount of grass ustionem stonecrop, to treat the composition of the meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of camphor oil and heat. During heating the mixture constantly in the way.
  • The garlic in the pack. Couple of cloves of garlic with the help of a press to make the porridge, pour a small cup of boiling water and insist 3-5 hours. Ready infusion of use in the form of a compress several times a day.
  • The ointment eggs. The glass butter connect with a cup of vinegar and a raw egg, mix well and place in a week in the fridge. Ointment apply to the affected psoriasis of the skin 7-8 times a day.
  • The oil of fish. If you aspire to get rid of the psoriasis, the gain will come of the fish oil. Apply on the contaminated area of the skin three times a day.
  • Lotion of the celandine. The juice of the greater celandine clean the plates. Lotion helps only when a mild form of psoriasis. Natural medicine offers a large number of tools of treatment of psoriasis. Don't forget, forms are not a substitute for consultation with a medical doctor and the drug treatment.

Diet for psoriasis

Nutritionists have developed several dozens of diets. The products that are worth to include in the daily diet of the patients of psoriasis.

  • Vegetables. In the vegetables of bright color, contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation.
  • Porridges of cereals. Buckwheat, oatmeal and brown rice contain antioxidants and fiber.
  • Lentils, peas, beans, tofu. They contain fiber and protein.
  • The vegetable fats. It is the avocado, seeds, nuts and vegetable oils. Saturated fats protect our cells from damage and help to cope with the rashes.
  • The fish. Source of protein and useful acids. The fish that you can eat in a day. When you give preference should salmon, sardinis, mackerel, and tuna.
  • The flesh. Ideally, it is recommended to select varieties that are low in fat, chicken or Turkey.

Alcoholic beverages it is better to limit, at least in the initial phase. In some people, alcohol causes new of the sharpening.

In general, it is nutritious food and a day to introduce in the diet of the new products, rich in vitamins. A day of eating porridge is not worth.

An effective treatment for psoriasis (up to 3 options)

  • Infusion of burdock
  • The infusion of the root
  • The decoction of barley
  • The cooking of laurel
  • The infusion of celandine
  • The ointment of the fat
  • Poultice of garlic
  • The ointment of eggs
  • The fish oil
  • Lotion of the celandine
  • Salicylic acid ointment
  • Hormonal medications
  • Negalogenizirovanny glucocorticoids